What value?.. a life like this….

So…….Would more money in the bank improve my life ?

ImageWould ‘towing the line’ for years, in a job I don’t particularly enjoy, so that I can get capital behind me, enable me to enjoy life even more than I do right now?

ImageWhat value should I put on my family and nature and the earth and my relationship with them all right now?

ImageDo I need to measure my life now in time, monetary wealth, memories or experience? How does it all add up?  Does it have true value?

ImageWhilst my 45 yr old eyes can still see clearly I want to be able to look and REALLY see! I want to be able to learn and ‘do’. 

ImageI want to work here whilst I am fit and able to. Not wait for the ‘perfect’ time, when my bank is full but my energy levels are low or my health is failing. There will never be a more perfect time for me than now. Can years lost ever be regained? Does ownership guarantee happiness? Is it wrong to be content with so little?

ImageChildren are young for such a short space of time. We should nurture every second and make the time REALLY count. Make memories to last forever.

ImageDo you love what you do? Do you love the life you live now? If not, why not? What is stopping you from changing it? Be honest with yourself. 

ImageYes, of course money is important…..BUT so is actually LIVING!


Do all the things you love to the very best of your ability. Learn all you can. It will pay you back tenfold. 

That’s true wealth.


I have emeralds a plenty!…..Abundant vibrant greens surround me! 

ImageI have gold..in the glistening sun, reflected in the river’s softly rippled surface

Imageand raindrops leave diamonds all over my garden…..

ImageIt isn’t a bad life. I don’t feel poor. In fact it is pretty darn ‘perfick’!  

It is priceless!!


Just look through my GALLERY . That’s all the capital I need xxx

20 comments on “What value?.. a life like this….

  1. Neil says:


  2. It looks wonderful to me 🙂

  3. And yes, sometimes things are very likely hard – but imagine how much more soul-destroying those hard times would be if you were also stuck behind a desk 9-5 (because that doesn’t protect you from those difficult times, as well I know!)

    • Ma Larkin says:

      Yes..been there done that too..not fun… I think losing our way is one way to find out who we really are and what makes us feel alive…unhappiness or boredom tends to make us look within ourselves more…so for those who are currently stuck in jobs they hate and are reading this…. it doesn’t mean you cannot change things.. IF you truly want to 😉 xxx

      • Yes, I think you are right and it’s not just jobs, it can be life situations too. When my husband left there was a concern of ‘how I would cope’ with 4 children, etc. I was left in a right pickle financially (as I know you have an inkling of). But looking back I think him leaving was one of the best things to happen because as a result a lot of other things shifted and I was able to begin to move forward and do some things that I had been wanting to do for a very long time! 🙂

        Although I’m still dealing with some of the financial repercussions a few years on, life is so much better than it has been for a very long time and I believe that to be down to moving in the direction I’m ‘supposed to be’ (because when you start to do that I believe that life starts to free things up and arrange them around you 🙂 )

      • Ma Larkin says:

        Exactly.. and following your heart and passion and beliefs, without the stress of someone else’s ‘permission’ be it granted or refused, standing in the way is such a joyful freeing experience. Especially if your ex partner didn’t ‘get you’.. If you know what I mean?…I am so independent now …but I was not like this years ago…Not sure I could live with a man again. I have become so focussed on this lifestyle ..It is REALLY important to me to live this way… and that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea 😉 I’d bore most men to death talking about permaculture or goats after a day or two! lol So pleased that you are now following your own path.. enjoy the journey.. that’s where the joy is ! 🙂 xx

  4. N you have it all & then some money is NOT pretty but Riverside is glorious.

  5. As I read this blog post out loud, my husband said ‘What more do you need?’ My reply ‘Nothing,she has everything and is richer in many areas of life than a lot of millionaires’
    As you say N, you have the ‘Perfick’ life balance.

    • Ma Larkin says:

      Thank you so much Kimberley. I think I needed reminding that my own path, although a little bit unconventional, is working for me and my family…and that the ‘normal’ route through life is not the only way it can be done 🙂 xx

  6. LuckyRobin says:

    I can’t imagine a prettier place to live. Your photos are always so gorgeous.

  7. Jan says:

    absolutely love it Ma

  8. enfitzge says:

    What you have no money could buy and its lovely to see and read all about it.

  9. bridget says:

    Brilliant! I feel exactly the same. You have captured it so perfectly.

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